Five minutes with Mr Krispie

What is your role at Krispies? 
I am a director, accountant, head fryer, fryer trainer, maintenance, IT Tech for menu boards and app. As a small business owner, you must be prepared to do any job needed.

What is the favourite thing about your job? 
Driving the business forward and overcoming any challenges along the way. Also, I am very proud to offer 80 members of my team a stable job whether it’s a short-term gap or long-term career path. 

What is your best memory? 
It’s got to be hearing Krispies being announced as the UK Number 1 Fish & Chip shop of the year at the awards in London 2019.

What is your greatest business achievement? 
Opening two more Krispies sites on in Exmouth 2019 and then Exeter 2022.

What’s your go to choice on the Krispies menu? 
After fish & chips it’s a Chicken Skyscaper with battered chips.

What is your greatest achievement outside the business? 
Being on the Exmouth Lifeboat crew for 11 years and climbing Kilimanjaro in August 2024

What would you have done for a career if you weren’t in Fish & Chips?
I trained as a chef at collage so it would have been something to do with food.

Who is your role model in business/life or both?
Starting our own business when I was 19 my dad played a massive part in teaching me how to run a business.